Frequently asked questions

What is Uuhhmm for?

Uuhhmm helps you study by training recall. Uuhhmm works with the principle of spaced repetition and generates flashcards for you to study using the software of your choice.

What additional software is needed to use Uuhhmm?

Our Flash Cards are usable in many ways. We generate Anki Files that you can import with Anki apps which are available for all major platforms. To learn more, check out AnkiDroid.

If you use Quizzlet, you can use the 'tab separated values' to export.

If you have ChatGPT Plus, you can use the Uuhhmm Study Buddy GPT.

What inputs do you accept?

Currently we only accept links to Youtube video's. These will be automatically converted into a transcript and then a deck of study cards.

Who have made

It was made by Aike de Jongste and Erik de Bruijn

Feel free to contact us via e-mail.